Thursday, January 15, 2009

Gymboree and Stuff

Sienna and I went to a stage 2 (6 months up to 10 months) gymboree class today. She had a blast, I was nervous that she would hear the loud lady singing, or the crazy 11 month old screaming, look at me and start screaming to get the heck out of there! Much to my surprise she loved it, I mean she crawled through all the tunnels, climbed the stairs, laughed when the instructor sang and danced, and loved seeing other little people just like her. Please excuse my bad grammar and punctuations which is the least of my concern especially since this semester all I will be doing is writing paper after paper the last thing I want to do now is worry about my blog being perfect!
I had an moment in the gymboree class when I looked around at all the parents and thought just for a minute "Wow, this is really my life now" It's all about Sienna as I am sure you can tell from my blog..... oops.
Well Sienna did great and it is now a weekly routine every Thursday. Taking classes and being a mom is tough, the only time to really get anything done is when she's asleep, and going to bed "early" is out of the question anymore... so late nights and early mornings are my life for the next 16weeks! What fun!!

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